Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We Made It!!

To the 2nd trimester!! We cant tell you what a relief it is to have reached this milestone. We have read and heard it from the doctors that making it to the 2nd trimester is a big milestone for the twins. So often you can lose one or both in the 1st trimester, and after our miscarriage last year, we have been nothing but cautious. Although I've had such joy in my heart at being pregnant again, (especially with twins), I can honestly say it has been hard to let my walls down...until now.

Mommy/Baby Update: We're 14 weeks now. The babies must be growing because my belly is (according to weekly updates they are the size of a lemon)! At our DR appt yesterday, my uterus was measuring 16weeks, which is normal for a twin pregnancy at this point. We heard one beautiful heartbeat at 150 beats per minute (bpm) - Doc doesnt listen for 2. I have only gained 0.5lb so far, but the DR isnt worried about this either. The nausea just stopped last week and now that my appetite is better and the babies are getting bigger, my weight should start to increase. I've had a consistent backache for the last week. This surprises me b/c it seems so early and I know it will only get worse. I truly feel for all those women with large breasts that have back trouble (not that I have big ones right now but they're big for me :) Our next appt is December 17th just to make sure everything is going fine. Our next big ultrasound will be beginning of the new year.

Maternity clothes are almost necessary. Its very uncomfortable to wear regular pants. Chris's sweatpants work nice around the house and most of my scrubs are still OK for work. Thankfully, I already have a pair of maternity jeans from Mrs. Barbara that I'm putting to good use so I dont always look like a frumpy wife.

Daddy Update: Chris is continuing his training for a 1/2 Marathon in January in Jackson, MS and for his 1/2 Ironman in April in New Orleans, LA. He just finished 2 out-of-town audits in Texas and Orlando so work is keeping him busy too. With all that, he still manages to be a fabulous Daddy-to-Be. He talks to the babies every day. He's cooked dinners and is doing his best to make sure I'm eating enough of the right foods, even when they dont sound good to me! He's been very supportive while I've been sick with allergies, and we've been talking about planning for college funds, increasing our life insurance, discussing baby names, how we'll decorate the nursery, and all those other fun things.

Happy December!

1 comment:

Wanda M said...


I'm glad you guys have a blog ! I hope things continue to go well and look forward to hearing all about you, Chris and those babies.

Take care,

Wanda Moncrief