Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Consignment Sales ROCK!

For those of you who dont know, a Consignment Sale is a very organized garage sale of sorts. A consignment owner rents a place out, like a church or vacated building, and has a bunch of women bring in their new or gently used baby/kids clothing, toys, furniture, etc. The leftover items are given back to the "consignor" or donated to charity. These sales in middle TN are very organized and popular.

I went to my 1st sale last night with Chris and my friend, Kerri. Chris pushed me around in a wheelchair since I'm still on bedrest (Dont worry Dr said it was OK). They opened the sale early for "new moms". There were TONS of items to help a new mom get started. I cant see paying full-price for certain items the babies will only use for a few months, especially when we need things for 2 babies! The clothes are so cute and it GREAT condition, and many are still new in the package. I dont think I'll ever buy brand new clothes again! With me being a stay-at-home mom for awhile after the babies come, this will also be a way for us to keep our costs down or even make some money, as I can consign items after we're done using them. March is a busy Consignment Sale month so I'm hoping to go to more.

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