Monday, February 2, 2009

Post-Hospital OB Follow Up

So, we're 23 weeks today and Dr. Wingo's office got us in right away after my trip to the hospital this weekend. He checked my cervix again and it was still closed and long - good signs. We discussed the tightening of my uterus whenever I sit up straight or stand. He explained that this is probably happening b/c we're carrying twins and the uterus is growing at a fast rate and sometimes gets irritable. He also explained the importance of taking it easy, so no more work the rest of the pregnancy and to remain on a modified bedrest until further notice.

My modified bedrest means I should lay down or be reclined most of the day. I am allowed to use the bathroom, take a shower, and fix a quick meal (basically use the microwave or fix a bowl of cereal).

He also recommended bringing in a Maternal-Fetal Medicine (MFM)group to co-manage our care from here on out. We set up an appt with Dr. Collins at Tennessee Maternal Fetal Medicine for Wednesday. They will monitor the babies from here on out also and we'll get ultrasounds with them now.

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