Baby Update: Still going strong! Twin A's HR was in the 150s and Twin B's was in the 140s. This week, Twin A is measuring 1lb 12oz and Twin B has reached 2lbs! As you can see, the belly is definitely growing with them. The babies remain very active. My stomach is starting to contort as they change positions. It's so neat to watch...and feel!
Mommy Update: My uterus is measuring 34cm (or what a singleton pregnancy would be at 34 weeks!) I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes this week. :( The MFM Drs gave me a glucometer kit with strips and a "finger poker". I have a little log where I'll keep track of my blood sugars (BS) that I have to check 4xs/day and write in the foods/meals that I eat. I have a feeling they caught this early b/c my #s weren't really that bad.
Bedrest is still an adjustment. I keep myself busy checking message boards with other bedrest mommies, paying bills, organizing insurance stuff, registering for baby things, and answering emails. I dont watch too much TV - it gets old and feels unproductive, though I will watch a certain show or two every now then. Baby Story, NCIS, and Law & Order are my favs.
Daddy Update: Chris had to take some time off training with his knee injury and our adjustment to bedrest but now he's back to work! He's started taking spin classes and swimming at the YMCA some mornings, and of course there's the bike trainer in the house until this weather warms up a bit.
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